denny-1's Diaryland Diary


Brains and Beauty? or Beauty and Brains?

I'm not usually petty. In fact, I hate petty people, especially women. They are nasty vicious demons.

Petty men are usually gay...and gay men can't compete on the same level. They are harmless, and so, their pettiness becomes an envy, a lighthearted laughable lust for the goods that were given to eve.

Petty women scare me...they bring me back to my awkward days in middle/high school when the girls would do anything for popularity. I hated...and loved them.

I'm stooping to a level that is far below who I am...but I just can't help myself...I must report the truth!

Law and disorder for Ben's girl

By Carol Beggy & Mark Shanahan, Globe Staff | June 8, 2004

CHASING ENZA By now, we know all about Ben Affleck's back hair and bronchitis, but what of his new girlfriend, WBZ sales gal Enza Sambataro? Well, she was born Vincenza Sambataro 26 years ago in Malden, has green eyes, and stands 5-foot-9. Court records in Newton also reveal she shoplifted $305 worth of clothing from Bloomingdale's three years ago. After admitting "facts sufficient for a finding of guilt," Sambataro was told to stay away from Bloomingdale's, ordered to perform 50 hours of community service, and placed on a year of unsupervised probation. (If that seems harsh, it is, but that may be because she was charged in 1995 with larceny of property over $250 and ordered to serve 20 hours of community service. Sambataro, who's thus far remained mum about her romance with Ben, did not return a phone call yesterday. WBZ spokesman Don Lowery said he was unaware of the charges.


Who does this?

And secondly, who does this and GETS CAUGHT?

Seriously, where are the brains in this girl? At the mere age of 23...give me a break, what clothes are that improtant?

Stupidity, that's all I can figure...I HATE stupid people...


I did my hair today. I did my hair so that it would appear long and luxurious. I did my hair so that I would look sexy today. I did my hair this morning, and was late for work because of it. I did my hair to taunt the young, deliciously Bradley that we have in the office...and today, he's not hair!

...everyone needs a Bradley. I'm convinced.


I'm carting around the Stanley cup...or what I've decided to call it. It is the largest trophy that I have ever seen, and received. Our pool team has advanced to the finals. We have a shot at Vegas...

"Vegas Baby, Vegas"

...for all you Swingers fans...


I'm reading an interesting book. I bought it a while back and read through a few chapters, put in down, and have recently picked it back up. It's called, Mozart's Brain and the Fighter Pilot. The book is about how the brain works, and in knowing how it works it presents explanations and exercises on how to fine tune it.

I read a chapter before I feel asleep last night, dealing with simple tasks and how to perform them without over thinking, how to use instinct over thought.


I woke up this morning to a strange dream. I was in a building that was making baskets, of all shapes and sizes. They were the types of baskets that get made by hand in the weaving patterns. I found it odd being in room that people were making baskets, but I had to pee. I must have entered the room to find a restroom. I interrupted a basket weaving girl who sat on a stool at a tall table, and asked where the nearest bathroom was. She pointed me down a long hall. There was a man there, he was older, and struck me as Mexican or European. His hair was dark and shaggy. He wore a white linen shirt. He was in front of me walking down the same hall. I'm not sure where he came from. I hurried past him toward the women's room, he followed me. We had a brief confrontation, and I asked him to leave, as there was a men's room down the hall. He was carrying dry-cleaning and wanted the women's room mirror to change is clothes. I refused to pee in his company. I left the room and approach the basket weaving girl to tattle on the defiant man. The girl said, "oh, he's our best customer...I know, he's difficult." Then the man came over to us, he was wearing a white Mexican jacket with silver studs...or it could have been something from the 80's, I can't be sure. He apologized for his rudeness and told me I was beautiful...and then, I woke up.

What's the meaning of this?


My Brain works in mysterious ways.

11:29 a.m. - 2004-06-09


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