denny-1's Diaryland Diary


Precursor to Cars and Bars...

I've traced this night back to Ben...yes, Ben. The obsession begins with Ben, ends with Ben and is bent over, twisted, tied, and spanked by BEN!

The adventure with ROSE began with her creative ability to alter these dland sites. She must have spent hours on the damn thing, redefining my look. I had (notice the tense) this site full of clix it's, and notes, email address, and an entire network of buddies, listed with a full screen pic of big o'l BEN. Ben, hot, sexy, no shirt wearing, Red Sox Fan, BEN...this was all in the week prior to my arrival to the city.

Ben consumed me. My time, my energy, my creative dland writing ability to think...gone, swept away by visions of sugar plums sweet and sticky on his bare chest!...get my drift.

In a second he was gone. I had erased his pic, and in desperation went to the internet for solace. Upon perusal, I found that there are more Ben fanatics than ever could be imagined...probably all between the ages of 12 and 16...Knowing past adventures with Rose (and the many celeb sightings we've had), I immediately searched for locations in NYC that had been, were, potentially could be, frequented by Ben....there was I go creative...and looked under Matt...

Low and Behold...there was BUTTER.

Butter, is a posh, up scale, fru fru type place that has a city meets woodland feel. Pretty white linen lined tables in the dining area, against a lit wall of a birch forest. The ceiling is lined with hard wood one foot long tree limns, cut and stacked in an orderly fashion, hiding the ceiling above...this was the place!...I immediately emailed Rose from work, links included, and said we must venture to Butter. I would even wear my Bennifer shirt.

I have this white shirt with pink sparkly writhing that says, "I'm the reason that Bennifer is over!"

I arrived in NYC at 7pm Rose and I had polished off a bottle of red wine, laughed over the adventures Rose had in France/England, ate raisin bagels with cream cheese...toasted (we knew we were off to Butter...and butter is expensive!!), and won ten bucks on a scratchy to a good start....

The shirt didn't fit. I looked like a packed sausage bulging out of a natural casing. Clearly the outfit choice had to be redefined...

I wore black...I always wear black...

We were late...I was late...I'm always late...

We arrive at Butter...late...with a table waiting for us in the 'lounge'...we opted for the lounge when making reservations in an attempt to conserve funds...

The lounge was no better than the dining room...both equally earthy...both equally beautiful. White linen tablecloths...too much silverware...we sat down at a table that was sandwiched between two couples...two couples in love...good grief Charlie brown!

Rose was disappointed...she wanted to move to the bar...everyone was eating...and we both knew full course meals were not in our future!

Like an angle, this boy appeared, he wore a smock of white linen and carried a silver basket filled with warm bread wrapped in more white linen. In his right had was a wing shaped ceramic boat of BUTTER.

We order a bottle of wine, apologized to the waiter for not eating...and devoured the bread and BUTTER...perhaps the only thing on the menu we could afford.

More wine...more laughs...more bread and butter please?

"Excuse me? Excuse me...can we have some more bread?...we're on the HIGH CARB DIET"

Our angle must have gotten a kick out of us...he smiled and floated away returning with another misting basket of bread.

More wine....

It must have been the wine...Rose and I were convinced that the table full of men in the corner were eyeing us, and that they were some high executives who wanted to pay for our tab...


With our spirits up...we paid, pee'd and proceeded to exit Butter...


I'd recommend Butter...especially the bread and know it's good when all you want to do is fill up on the warm bread and fresh whipped butter.

We exited Butter at apx. 11:45...


Rehab or Pangea?

Do we take the blue pill or the red pill?

12:27 p.m. - 2004-05-05


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