denny-1's Diaryland Diary



I'm eating marshmallow Peeps. I love them. Sugary little bunnies calling my name. No fat, ton's of sugar. I love them. I've already had two rows of them, eight bunnies. I'll probably eat the entire box, guilt free.

I'm an indulger. I indulge on life's pleasures...I just can't help it. I'm no good on diets, I don't like cheap wine...If I want something, I want it. Like my bunnies...If I want to eat the entire fucking box, I will.

I have to want something or forget about putting effort into it. I'm like this at work, for example. As in right now, for example...I could very well be pimping, but I just don't feel like it. I'm a spoiled little brat who just doesn't feel like doing something, so I won't do it.

One row of bunnies left.

I beat this guy the other night at pool. I'm on a pool league. I'm a three...everyone is given a rank...I'm at the bottom of the ranking system...well technically a two is the starting point for a girl...but I've gone up to a three.

This is my second session, I started last's been all uphill from there. I don't mean to boast, but fuck it, if no one else is going to stoke it, I might as well, right?

So I beat this guy...a contractor type, I think he's an electrician. It's a very middle class, blue collar crowd...I'm like a fish out of water on the league, but everyone has warmed up to me...literally. (most of the men are between 40 and 50...and up...and they are all characters). They bake me cookies, give me a kiss on the cheek, tell me how nice my ass know the type, harmless dirty old men...I love them all...

Getting back to my win...So this guy. He's also a three, just started this session...probably been playing pool in bars his entire drinking career. I beat him on what's called the hill...(the hill is when two opponents are playing their last this league you play a match, and a match is comprised of games, the number of games is based on the players rank...because we are both three' was a race to two). So we're down to the eight ball...I had given him ball in hand (that means I sunk the cue ball and or I failed to hit my ball first or I failed to hit a this case, I sunk the cue)...the guys got ball in hand and he chokes!...leaving me a bank shot on the eight to the corner pocket...

It was a beautiful shot...and my team went wild...a shot a three should not have gotten in...HA...I love winning. There is nothing like it...poor guy had to leave right after that...couldn't take the pressure of a loss to a chick...and a big blond one at that!

Three bunnies left...I'm starting to feel a little sick...probably should hold off on the rest... it 5 yet?


So I've been reading more diaries these days...seems that I'm not the only one suffering from depressive states, in a relationship that I question from time to time, happy about this or that...and love sex. I get such a kick out of some of these faceless comrades...if your listening, reading...whatever...Thanks!

One week till I'm in NYC...Rose already has the itinerary set...She's wearing the dick this trip...although she's informed me that I will be trying Gordo on for a few laughs. She kills me that Rose!

Ok, take it from me, don't eat a box of marshmallow bunnies just because you stomach is doing back flips...

I've got another sinus infection. What the fuck? Has anyone suffered from these as I have? Does anyone else out there know how miserable this can make you? What a nightmare...Back on antibiotics...two weeks...that should clear the fucker up...apparently I'm allergic to dust mites...It would have to figure...fucking dust mites! I hate to CLEAN DUST! ...fuck.

That's it in a peanut shell...I've not heard back from Mr. Lincoln...ah, well...I'm sure he'll pop up again soon...they always seem to 'come' at the wrong moment!

Neo and I are getting along quite well these days...he's so good in bed that I just can't understand how I could ever think of anyone else...but it happens...

what's that saying..."the entree isn't as good without a little (I prefer big!) something on the side"



Mo Fo!


3:27 p.m. - 2004-03-05


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