denny-1's Diaryland Diary


Email Fire

Mr Lincoln writes, after a barrage of several cryptic high school French phrases exchanged:

Ahhh...just a smidge of garbled phrases that I still remember from freshman year in high school. I sooooo regret not taking Spanish. The only reason I took French was b/c an older girl I had a crush on was taking it......I'm such a sucker!

Denny:...affliction...more like masochism.

I love the French, with their snooty ways...did ya see Unfaithful? (HOT...and not...)...I rest my case.

ooh la la, c'est manifique!

So you never did respond to my winded email on the fancies of dreamery.

What say you, Mr. Lincoln?

two days's now friday, my feet itch...I'm goin' to NYC in two weeks!!...I'm frisky...

Denny:Howdy Partner!

Mr. Lincoln responds:Masochism huh?

You seem to be into that kind of you're just the total package huh:

The kind of girl you want to bring home to mom



Success oriented


And the kind of girl that wants you to tie her up in the bedroom. (ie the kind of girl dad wishes he had)

I hope this b/f realizes the catch he has here

So...the dream!

I think you've missed your calling...I think you (like JK rowlings)you might have a talent for writing. Only, you seem to be a bit more suited for an adult audience!!! One of the many rubs I've about this dream is, like all dreams, the haziness in details.... (arrggghhhh).....very frustrating. I must say it did pique a few questions and thoughts of my own. What would have happened if we'd been alone in the hotel room (or at least not on a concrete floor)What if we didn't have the obligations of hanging w/ our friends that weekend? I was wondering if you noticed me as I rubbed against you that night.

So...what's the name of that play in where the couple rendezvous every year in the same place (same time next year?)P>

Do I follow up...?


do I remember?...are you referring to standing by the corner of the rectangular table just as you exit/enter the elevators on the 12th? floor of the Hudson...there were two stainless steal chairs on either side. We were leaning toward the edge of the table, I was facing the ice machine that was partially hidden by sliding walls. I wore black pants, and a purple shirt (I really only remember the outfit because I have pictures of myself prior that evening) know I don't want to come across THAT good ;)...or was it dancing that evening?...I vaguely remember something popping up to say hello. The song that reminds me of that night goes a little something like this, "boy you came to Par-ty...what chu want ta do, what chu gonna do?"...I'm not 'up' or rather 'down' on the brother music so I haven't a clue as to the name of the song or who sings it...but the beat always makes me smile...

I'm not sure what would have happened...ok, yes I do...there is still quite a bit left to the imagination...

I must agree with you're interpretation...I'm a bit of a dichotomy...I've got the whole good girl/bad girl thing going on...ying and yang...always searching for the balance between the's the Libra in me. I've battled with this my whole life...sadly, I'm always feeling unsatisfied...or I spin completely out of control when the balance starts to bore me...

I've always found it intriguing how people can come in and out of your life...why some have a greater impact than others fascinates me...

I love the details...I'll have to write you a bit more...perhaps...

I am curious to your reaction to the 'reality' that I wrote of about meeting you...what was your interpretation of that evening?


that is all...for now...I am attending a Fondue Party this evening with a few of my gal friends from work...fully equipped with enough cheese, chocolate and red wine to satisfy and erge to splurge!

...I'll probably write more this evening, upon my tips return home...we shall see...

bad, bad, bad...

Is it spring yet...for cryin' out loud...I've just go to get this out of my system...

4:21 p.m. - 2004-02-27


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