denny-1's Diaryland Diary


Office Politics

One of life's fo-pa's, never, never and never talk religion and politics at your company Christmas's just not worth it. It's like finding out secret's about the people you work with that you really didn't need to, what turns them on, or if they pick their nose, it even gets as drastic as what their underwear looks like after a long just don't go there.

Today I am left with the day after feeling. That awful, icky feeling when you just know too much about a person...politically speaking.

Last evening our office held a nice, relaxing, casual dinner party for all of the office, which at this point consists of 11 or so people. At this point, we've all known each other for at least 2+ years, most of us for at least 4, with the accept ion of the Boss. He's been here for approximately 2 months.

After a few glasses of wine...a debate ensued. A small rather harmless debate, but a debate all the same. It began with a co-worker commenting on the idiocy of Pres. Bush...that was it...I should have just walked away at that point...but I just couldn't help myself.

Idiocy. Idiocy you say...let's talk about the democratic party for a moment, shall we....and this is where I began...What are your thoughts on the capture of Sadam? Are we better off without him in power? Do you support Howard Dean's comments about being no safer now as a nation as we were when Sadam was in power?

...the responses were alarming.

The majority seemed to think that we should have never gone into this skirmish...this war...They made comments like, "well, there are many men in power who are doing the same thing"...and, " we are only in this for one reason, the oil..."

...apparently they didn't expect their eccentric blond drama queen office buddy to have an educated opinion on the subject matter...

My response began with the analogy of Hitler, and the what/if scenario had the US not intervened....I was immediate rebutted with, "yes, but this is different...this is not Hitler and we are only their for the oil..."

I beg to differ my liberal office maties. I beg to differ...and through the fog of red wine I began to speak my political beliefs as if I were standing among a crowd of hopeful supporters.

My leader must not dwell in the immediate, but rather, he must look to the future. Yes, casualties are associated with any war, and No, I would not want to be the one fighting or have a family member in Iraq...the reality is we have an obligation to protect that with which our founding fathers secured for us, Liberty and Freedom. We have an obligation to ourselves as a nation not to allow ANYONE to jeopardize our Freedom. A nut like Sadam is a threat, if not in the immediate, then most definitely in the future.

Hitler may not have been an immediate threat, he was not hurting US citizens on our soil, so why should we have sent our men and women to die fighting a war between the German's and the Jew's?...because...who would have been next on his list?

Simply, as a nation are we willing to allow another 911? Can we afford to allow a dictator the power to make and harbor weapons that could ultimately be used against the US...even if those weapons are not in the 'immediate'. Should we turn out heads, and say, oh well? To bad?...fight your own fight?

I think not.

Today, I am left with these three thoughts...Office politics...a leader with no forward vision...and thoughts of dirty underwear...

3:33 p.m. - 2003-12-17


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