denny-1's Diaryland Diary



I'm trying to figure out what provokes inspiration...for me, it's usually some dramatic incident in my life. Post, pre and or otherwise, which pretty much encompasses my every day existence. However, as of late, I've been in an inspirational rut. Nothing inspiring, mind blowing, or otherwise interesting to report...this has been my existence over the last few weeks.

A brief hiatus. A momentary clip of my life spent under the covers...I get these from time to time. I gain a little weight, eat loads of sweets, sleep till 12 or 1 on the weekends, call no one, don't answer my phone, and watch football...who does this?

Anyway. I'm back. Back in Black.

I'm eating proteins, thinking, writing, cleaning, and answering the phone.

I don't know what it is that provokes me...perhaps it's the full moon today... or not. Lack of motivation...or the fact that I spent the entire weekend stuck in the house with 3 feet of snow to shovel, an exploded water heater, a flood in the basement, AND no electricity on a Sat. sex...poor me.

I'm turning over a new leaf. Embarking on greener pastures...hoping the new moon will kick my big white ass into shape.

I'm going to beauty school....yes, kids. Beauty school...every time I think of this I cringe...yikes. For those of you who are not privy to the world of beauty, let me briefly enlighten as to my perception of this world...

Firstly, I've been doing a bit of research...which has lead me to many of the name brand schools...your blains, libs and so forth, as well as the little mom and pop shops that have operated over the years....they all require a GED, and or equivalent 'life experience' to get in...that's all folks....yet they charge, on average 10 (k) for a 1000 hours worth of study...

I come from a family of mother gave birth to a hair ball...a 9 pound 3 ounce hair ball...this is what I grew up as, a hair ball. I've got tons of it, even on my chin...anyway, growing up in and around's in the biz...has given me the insider track at this business...what it takes to be successful...long days, blah, blah and blah...but that's not my intention...this business is a cash moo's money...and if you can work it...the profits are astronomical... in any business, doesn't take a college degree...but, as those of you who have gone to college's really just the ability to learn, weather on your own or in a structured environment....and a great deal of common since.

Back on I venture out for tours...of the facilities...the place where my 10 (k) will be spent.

This was my experience: I must have arrived during break time, because the outside door was swarming with britney spear's look alikes with bad dye jobs, sporting black capes, long fingernails, and chatting in the foreign English language of , "OH, MY GOD" and "NO FUCKING WAY."

I made my way through the New Kids on the Block Concert (I'm dating myself), to meet the 'recruiter' of the school. She too, had this awful hair color...she began by speaking in a sing song speech pattern at how great the program is, and how wonderful the students are...and this and that and this and got to a point where I had to literally stop her and explain my purpose: to obtain the certificate with the state's stamp of an effort to actually make money not doing, but knowing how the doing is done...

It's like trying to sell a car if you don't know how to drive...get my drift...

So, I politely cut to the chase and asked to see the facility...only to be mildly stunned by the age group...

Spending a year with Lizzie McGuire is not my idea of money well spent...

Off to another school...and another...and another.

I've finally stumbled upon a little mom and pop shop that is located in a predominate Italian American community...

The receptionist was not your average beauty school receptionist, but this little old Italian lady with her hair all neatly set. She smiled in a cute little old lady way, and asked about the weather. I sat waiting for the 'recruiter' , but was instantly warmed by the tackiness of the place...all kinds of black lacquer and silver framed mirrors.

An older women came out...she's probably in her mid 50's, but had a quirky style about her. No bad dye job, but natural gray spiky hair and leopard rimmed glasses.

This is the place.

I start Jan 7th...

Within a year I will have a license.

My first shop with be called Heaven backwards...Nevaeh.

...this is my inspiration for the day...

12:35 p.m. - 2003-12-08


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